Stay up to date with what's going on!
Sacred Space Worship Time 10:00 a.m.
Please join us for in person worship time at 10:00a.m. If you can not attend in person the service will be broadcast as a zoom session. Call the office at 218-724-9369 to add your name to the email list of people who receive the zoom link and Sunday bulletin so you can stay involved.
We hope you will join us for these opportunities to gather as a community:
Confirmation schedule - Wednesdays at 5:30 on January 22, 29 and February 5,12,and 26. No programming on February 19.
Ash Wednesday and Lenten services begin March 5.
You are invited to join the Trinity quilters every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at 9:00 a.m. You don't need to be a quilter or a Trinity member to join.
See our Trinity facebook page for more announcements and pictures of past events!
Don't forget about these upcoming events with our partners in the community:
February 27 - CHUM Expansion Extravaganza (Mardi Gras Style) at Clyde Iron Works beginning at 5:00 p.m. We will hear about plans for the CHUM expansion and raise funds to support this project. It will include Marti Gras themed hors d'oeuvres, cash bar, silent and live auctions, photo booth and more. Join with others from around the city for the fun!
May 15 - Plan to attend the LSS Benefit for Youth at Clyde Iron Works as we learn about the great things that Lutheran Social Service is doing in Duluth.