• Image of Trinity Lutheran Church Duluth MN


Welcome, Worship, Witness

Pastor's Message

Image of Pastor Shivon Miller

Pastor Shivon Miller




We are so glad that you are here either online or in person.  We hope you will contact us with your prayer requests and visit us on Facebook. 


Don't forget to join us on Sunday January 26th for our annual meeting. A meal and the meeting will be held at 11:00 a.m. following worship. 




Learn More About Us


Join us in person each Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m. or participate online via the zoom service. Contact the church if you want to be added to the list of people who receive the zoom link each week.


Service at Aftenro - Last Sunday of every month at 2:00 p.m.


I'm new/visiting. What can I expect?
Meet Our Partners


Join us on Facebook   

Image of upcoming events


Upcoming Events and Activities


January 26 - Remember to attend the annual meeting at 11:00 a.m. following worship. A meal will be served.


You are invited to join the quilters every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month at 9:00 a.m. You don't need to be a quilter or a Trinity member to join!

Make things happen image


Ways to Participate


We are seeking volunteers to help with Worship activities. All ages and skill levels are needed! Call the office to let us know you are interested.


Current needs: 

Sunday morning greeters




See a complete list of opportunities




Trinity partners with others to do great things.

Come and get involved! 



Food - Shelter - Dignity - Hope

Current Needs:

Trinity has pledged to support the CHUM food shelf in a very tangible way by providing boxes of Mac and Cheese each month.  If you want to help, bring a box when you can and place it in the rubbermaid container marked for CHUM. Let's keep up the great work!


As winter approaches CHUM needs warm socks and gloves to distribute to those in need. See their wish list on Amazon. If you buy online you can have the items shipped directly to  CHUM at 102 W. 2nd St. Duluth MN 55802


Future initiatives

Nine organizations in cooperation with City leadership have created Stepping On Up, a five year plan to address unsheltered and sheltered homelessness in Duluth. 

Image of  people praying


God's Work, Our Hands

The ELCA has created an Advent Devotional for group or individual study that is available as a free downloadable file.


Looking for a gift for the person who has everything? Order from the ELCA Good Gifts catalog in their name and have a personalized card sent to them.

Image of children playing

Lutheran Social Service News

Neighbors Helping Neighbors

Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota expresses the love of Christ for all people. See a full list of services LSS provides.


One of their services is LSS Financial Counseling. LSS offers guidance and effective tools to support the financial wellness of idividuals, families, and organizations. Many services are free.