Great Ways to Help!
All volunteers are welcome! If you want to volunteer to help, call the church office. You can choose to help out once a year, once a month, or more frequently if your schedule allows. Please consider getting involved. It's a great way to meet other members and learn more about the church.
Sacred Space Preparation:
Volunteers needed to prepare the space before and after the service time.
Welcome members and visitors as they arrive by opening the door and greeting them warmly. Make sure they get a name tag if they wish to have one.
Before the service starts, hand out bulletins to everyone as they enter the sanctuary. During the service, pass around the offering plates and bring them up to the altar. Count the number of people attending the service and record the number on the ushers calendar. Following the service, pick up discarded bulletins and straighten hymnals in the pews.
Read the first bible lesson, the psalm, and the second lesson to the congregation during the service.
Communion Helpers:
Pass out the wine or the bread or collect the empty cups during communion. Help with preparation or clean up following communion.
Sing with the music group or play an instrument during the service. Provide special music for holiday services.
Kitchen help:
Assist with set up and/or clean up for intergenerational breakfasts, dinners, or special events.
Send birthday or Christmas cards or special mailings to members of the congregation as needed.
Serve on any of the church committees or hold an office. Volunteers will be nominated and elected to serve a two year term. Committees generaly meet once a month.